Steps on the Path
Meet with a Certified Guide
The Modern Mystery School path of progression always begins with a conversation with an initiated and certified Guide, like Marnie Jones. Marnie will learn about your life and goals, then will outline the steps you can take to empower your life’s mission and reveal your purpose.
Personal Aura Clearing
The Personal Aura Clearing package is a great first step and is recommended before your Life Activation. It clears the static of past negativity from your energy system by removing negative energy and negative connections with others, then sends LIGHT into your whole system.
- Negative Spell Removal
- Emotional Cord Cutting
- Purification By Light
Optional: Positive Spell Casting – Bring a rough draft of what you want in your life, we will work on it and then make that “ask”!
Life Activation
Life Activation is well named as it lights up your whole system right down to your DNA. You will begin to connect with your higher purpose. It will start to ignite your hidden potential. Everyone’s experience is unique, but in general, clients share that unexpected opportunities open up and old patterns start to shift. Often, they are more connected with their spiritual self. If this experience of light is new to you, you might feel uncomfortable and challenged, but the Light will help that to heal.
Three months later, you might not even remember that you HAD a life activation and yet your life has shifted considerably. Maybe you up-leveled your relationships, got a better job, moved, or worked through something that had been keeping you stuck. Life Activation is not a magic pill, but it can get things going.
There is no dogma connected and you don’t have to be “religious” for it to work. If you choose, it can start you on a spiritual path that with your own willing dedication can completely change your life.
Empower Thyself
After Life Activation, a natural progression is Empower Thyself, a two-day class, which will teach you a set of daily practices and meditations, and introduce you to the truth of the universe, how it is structured and how you fit in. It culminates with an ancient initiation that will make all of this real. Leonardo Da Vinci, Nicola Tesla, Isaac Newton, and Carl Jung were initiates who through these practices, shared their greatest with the world.
Healers Academy
Service is an essential part of becoming enlightened. To be whole, you need to share with others and reflect your light and love. Thus, Healers Academy will teach you to do Life Activations. This involves a journey to Toronto, Canada, the international headquarters. There are many, more advanced practices with this as a prerequisite.
Exploring the Path
Chi-do, a series of chi building movements, is taught by Marnie in Empower Thyself

What is it and what does it mean to you? Turning on the light in a dark room reveals what is there. Something which isn’t heavy, but light-weight, as in not dense. Or, perhaps a mood or a feeling. Light-hearted. Shine the light on something mysterious to de-mystify it. In light of… Or, get clear on something, let go of something. Ponder on what to do and get an answer. Get enlightened!
But LIGHT is more than metaphors, though you can feel the truth in them. In the case of our spiritual path, it is a real energy!
Higher Callings
As the school unfolds to you, you will hear about the Warrior and Healer programs and other higher teachings. I have been with the school for over ten years and so far, there is always something more, with no end in sight! There is absolute respect and support for all students and for the individual paths we are on, our pacing and our own unique divinity. You’ll never be discouraged from following what you are drawn to, except for the strict adherence to the need for prerequisites. You are a God/Goddess in training and thus the expert on you. You are encouraged to the potential in each level of initiation. I so appreciate being called on things I need to see and I love that we are a large community of like-minded people. We are all moving examples of what is possible and our teachers understand that we are works in progress.
The global goal is the evolution of human consciousness, from the fear-based reality which is so prevalent to one based on Love and Light. Some call this Shamballah. Not a perfect world, but one with values which lead to care and fairness for all beings, including our Earth. Integrity, ownership, responsibility. Compassion. Expression of our greater selves.
Learn more about The Modern Mystery School