Welcome to Star of the Sea Center of Light
We are located on Vashon Island, in Puget Sound, near Seattle and Tacoma, Washington.
Star of the Sea offers advanced spiritual healings, activations and initiations, and classes which spring from the lineage of King Salomon (Solomon) the Wise, 3000 years ago. For millennia, this path to enlightenment was kept secret and only a few people were inviited to access these extraordinary tools. People like Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Nicola Tesla, Rudolph Steiner, Karl Jung and others. These were people who shared their greatness for the benefit of us all.
An International Mission of Peace
In these evolutionary times, The Modern Mystery School emerged from one of the ancient mystery schools and opened its doors to anyone who yearned to find the truth in themselves and to discover and develop their unique purpose and gifts! You have something great to share for the evolution of human life and consciousness.
Our challenges on the earth REQUIRE that a significant number of people shift up to knowing who they truly are and express their unique gifts and mission to bring things right on Planet Earth.
A Local Community Thriving in Service
Seattle has become a hub of Mystery School action, with all sorts of events and classes. Now many of these experiences are available on Vashon. Marnie Jones, Guide, Teacher, Life Activation Practitioner, and Healer, has been studying with the mystery school for over ten years.
The path to enlightenment is not an easy one, AND there is no greater joy than to move into your truth about yourself and your purpose. To become empowered and to live in joy!
Please call for a free consultation!
Marnie Jones
& Life Activation Practitioner
Certified by The Modern Mystery School
My own path…
Over 50 years ago, after a pretty rough childhood, I was moved to look within, through the lenses of Mind Dynamics, Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, the Star Process, A Course in Miracles, Life Coaches, psychics…prayer. Various therapies and teachers. You name it!
On the outside, I established myself through several careers: industrial designer (17 years), musician/recording artist (nine albums of original music), healer (40+ years of Reiki + sound healing), innkeeper, activist (“bye bye gravel mine!”), boat captain (Capt. Marnie, if you want), mother (he’s in his 30s), wife (married at 61), and step-grandmother. But something was not lining up for me.
Then, my most true ‘mission’ became a great deal clearer and well-supported when I started working with the ancient tools and support of Modern Mystery School where I could deepen my path of self-discovery and awaken my higher abilities to Guide, teach and heal. And I am a member of this spiritual family of thousands each with their own unique gifts, their pacing and their personal goals. Each pursues their own version of the same mission.
Awakening to our spiritual nature is the first step to creating peace in our lives and in the wider community on Earth, where our old traumas and misunderstandings, our “buttons”, can be set in a new Light, that we may outgrow them and become whole. The issues we have created on Earth are being healed too as we learn to be compassionate and to cooperate. When I witness the growing stories of compassion for strangers, I know that the shift is happening to a world with LOVE at the center. That is what this path is all about. It is not an easy path to walk, but I have never found anything more fulfilling. We call it Shamballa.
If and when you are ready and willing to amp up your passion and your joy, to know yourself more deeply, I invite you to embark on this most glorious path ‘home’. Let’s have a cup of tea!
Welcome aboard, fellow seekers!
As a Guide, I look to work with people who are ready to expand and grow, who are likely to do what it takes to come into their best selves. They have access to education and ways to create the means necessary to progress. There are also others who have little and they should never be forgotten. That is why I support Mona Foundation. Mona works to send impoverished children, mostly girls, to school in places where they were traditionally left out of education. They partner with local groups who know the local cultures and what they need to thrive and grow. At latest count, Mona is supporting the education of over 800,000 kids in places like Sierra Leone, India and even in places in the USA! For $3000, you can buy a school in India for a year. It is understood that educating one girl can change the trajectory of a whole village. Please consider supporting Mona Foundation. Monafoundation.org