Birth: The Grand Entrance
Babies emerge into a strange world, full of challenges, temptations and their own “clean slate”. In ancient times, when birth was in the care of midwives, their help was not just physical. They also “blessed” the new mother and child to remove any negativity that had crept in during the rigors of birth. When birth was taken over by medical doctors, this practice was considered superstitious and thus abandoned.
As the custodian of your child, you have to make choices on your child’s behalf. The value of this blessing is priceless. It will set your child off in a most positive direction and give him or her a great start in life. Children who have been “blessed” generally grow up without the baseline of fear that most kids experience as normal.
The Baby Blessing rids the new life of negative influences. The understanding behind it is that we are eternal divine spirits having a human experience. Children who are taught this from the start and respected for this divine quality grow up more naturally compassionate. And, they tend to “reset” quickly into a peaceful place after difficult life challenges.
The Blessing
The blessing is best done during labor and right after the child is born. An altar is set in the birthing room. There will be herbs and rose petals and prayers. At the appropriate moment, the mother will be blessed for her good service. Then there is the protective and verbal blessing of the baby. If it is necessary to wait till after the birth, even up to four years of age, the blessing will still be effective, but starting life without fear is certainly preferable to having to deal with it later.
Welcome Me
I come from space, from a place that knows no bounds.
I come from Love.
Welcome me, for I will forget.
Welcome me, for I am new and so sensitively hewn,
Welcome me with your touch for this new body knows only that
Welcome me through your eyes for that is how I can remember
I will remind you if you let me. You too came from Love.
Welcome me, for I am you.
Excerpted from “Welcome Me”, by Marnie Jones, in my 7th month of pregnancy, 1990
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