Whole God, She Too!

Under the tree, in the early dawn,

I spoke to God:
“I can’t accept you as only male. I’m sorry, I just can’t.
That is too much like my angry father.”

There was silence.

“If you are All, please show me the feminine part of you.”

I felt a powerful energy as sweet and pure and accepting
as ever I have felt.

Then, I wanted to feel the union, the male and female joined.

There it was, strong and clear, bright and whole!

“Yes, God, thank you!”

I have been aware for decades that the male model of God put me off because it reminded me of my father when he was young and I was a small child. Although he softened over the years, he hurt me and scared me when I was little and if God was our “father”, I just assumed that He would be a bigger version of Dad, that huge hammer in the sky! That has been difficult to get over.

That God was our Father I was taught in the Episcopal church when I was growing up. He knew all our secrets and we couldn’t hide from Him. Sometimes, in Unity Churches I have attended and presented music in, they would say “Father Mother God”. That sounded cumbersome and superficial, and separate. “Goddess” doesn’t quite do it either!

But that morning in the woods, I discovered that I was the one who limited my own concept of God to be purely male. But, I wonder how many generations of women have felt marginalized by the depiction of God as a Father, almost never a mother or anything of the female nature?

I am changing “God” to an all-inclusive name. Whenever I utter “God”, I actively remind myself I mean the WHOLE God, not just the male God. Truly a relief! A spiritual breakthrough!

We women have a critical role to play in the birthing of the new consciousness. And yet we have been trained to the male models because that was how we were taught to build our success in the world.

But the true power in women is really quite different and must be reborn. Within that process, we must know the female aspect of God and then in union with the male, the WHOLE GOD, and not just as a concept, but the experience of that balanced godhood in ourselves, as women!